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Global Development in the 21st Century and Ultra-Processed Food: A Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities

Publié le 18 mars 2025 Mis à jour le 26 mars 2025


Emma Mawdsley, Professor of Geography at the University of Cambridge, is a renewed expert in the politics of global development. She will be giving a talk at the ULB titled: "Global Development in the 21st Century and Ultra-Processed Food: A Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities". This seminar is organized by the CECID with the support of the Fondation Wiener-Anspach.


What does a critical assessment of Ultra-Processed Food (UPF) offer as a way of thinking about global development in the twenty first century? In this talk, Emma Mawdsley will use UPF to reflect on how global development is conceptualised and studied; and on the ways in which UPF transcends scales, issues, and geographies to both drive some of the world’s most challenging developmental issues. Examining UPF through this lens also opens up questions about development ‘solutions’: what hope can be found in contestation of various sorts, and the making of alternatives?

Le 10 avril 2025

18h - 20h


S.H1302 - Auditoire DEPAGE

Contact : cecid@ulb.be