2. FR
  3. Publications
  4. Contributions

Liste des contributions des membres du CECID

Parties d'ouvrages collectifs

A paraître

Inventer de nouvelles politiques agricoles, au coeur d'un pacte social et écologique

Roudart, L. (2025). Inventer de nouvelles politiques agricoles, au coeur d'un pacte social et écologique. In V. V. Chatellier, M. M. Pidoux, T. T. Pouch, & M. M. R. Raffray (Eds.), Politiques agricoles: Théorie,histoire, expériences, réformes. Paris: Classiques Garnier.  


Land Use and Food Security Politics

Roudart, L. (2025). Land Use and Food Security Politics. In I. I. Petrikova, J. C. Cole, & A. Thampi (Eds.), Handbook of the Politics of Food Security: Through the lens of planetary health ethics. Berlin: De Gruyter.  



Cuvi, J. (2024). Informalité. In Dictionnaire Politique de l'Amérique Latine. Les Presses de l'IHEAL.  



Les crises d'accès à l'alimentation

Roudart, L. (2023). Les crises d'accès à l'alimentation. In Universalia 2023 (pp. 146-153). Universalis.  



The New World of Work: Current Trends and Uncertain Prospects

Cuvi, J., Budon, C., & Suter, C. (2021). The New World of Work: Current Trends and Uncertain Prospects. In C. Suter, J. Cuvi, P. Balsiger, & M. Nedelcu (Eds.), The Future of Work (1 ed., pp. 7-27). Seismo Verlag.  



SPINCOOP ou comment soutenir la contribution active de maraîchers professionnels dans la mise en œuvre d'un projet de recherche-action participative

Denys, M., Maughan, N., Plateau, L., Pipart, N., Visser, M., & Maréchal, K. (2020). SPINCOOP ou comment soutenir la contribution active de maraîchers professionnels dans la mise en œuvre d'un projet de recherche-action participative: Une exploration collective des conditions d'adaptation du SPIN Farming et de sa contribution aux SAJED Bruxellois. In J. Hermesse & A. Van Keerberghen (Eds.), Transitions pour une Alimentation Juste et Durable à Bruxelles: Contributions de recherches en co-création. Paris: Academia - l'Harmattan.  



Le renouveau des politiques agricoles ?

Roudart, L. (2019). Le renouveau des politiques agricoles ? In Universalia 2019. Universalis.  


An Emerging User-led Participatory Methodology: Mapping Impact Pathways of Urban Food System Sustainability Innovations

Valette, E., Schreiber, K., Conaré, D., Bonomelli, V., Blay-Palmer, A., & Bricas, N. (2019). An Emerging User-led Participatory Methodology: Mapping Impact Pathways of Urban Food System Sustainability Innovations. In A. Blay-Palmer, D. Conaré, K. Meter, A. Di Battista, & C. Johnston (Eds.), Sustainable Food System Assessment: Lessons from Global Practice (pp. 19-41). Taylor & Francis.  



Malnutrition pour plus du tiers de l'humanité

Roudart, L. (2018). Malnutrition pour plus du tiers de l'humanité. In Universalia 2018. Universalis.  


Politiques agricoles et négociations internationales

Roudart, L. (2018). Politiques agricoles et négociations internationales. In Encyclopaedia universalis.  



La Belgique et Daech, état des lieux

Leroy, D. (2017). La Belgique et Daech, état des lieux. In Revue militaire belge N°14 (pp. 65-71).  


La malnutrition dans le monde

Roudart, L. (2017). La malnutrition dans le monde. In Encyclopaedia universalis.  



Mondialisation, perte de sens et fondamentalismes

Nahavandy, F. (2016). Mondialisation, perte de sens et fondamentalismes. In La nouvelle géographie du développement. Bruxelles: Editions de La Muette.  


Les Forces Armées Libanaises, Symbole d'unité nationale et objet de tensions communautaires

Leroy, D. (2016). Les Forces Armées Libanaises, Symbole d'unité nationale et objet de tensions communautaires. In Les armées du Moyen-orient face à Daesh.  



From Colonization to Neocolonization

Nahavandy, F. (2015). From Colonization to Neocolonization: New forms of exploitation. In New Cannibal Markets: Globalization and Commodification of the Human Body. Genève: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.  


Le Liban un jour en paix ? Jihad et mémoire selon le Hezbollah

Leroy, D. (2015). Le Liban un jour en paix ? Jihad et mémoire selon le Hezbollah. In La fabrique de la paix. Acteurs, processus et mémoires (pp. 321-330). Laval: Presses de l'Université de Laval.  


The Origins and Propagation of Agriculture: The Formation of the Contemporary Diet

Roudart, L., & Mazoyer, M. (2015). The Origins and Propagation of Agriculture: The Formation of the Contemporary Diet. In K. Fitzpatrick & D. Willis (Eds.), A Place-Based Perspective of Food in Society. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan. doi:10.1057/9781137408372_2  


Santos: The Gold Hunter

Cuvi, J. (2015). Santos: The Gold Hunter. In J. Auyero (Ed.), Invisible in Austin: Life and Labor in an American City (pp. 42-58). University of Texas Press.  



Les Forces Armées Libanaises, Symbole d'unité nationale et objet de tensions communautaires

Leroy, D. (2014). Les Forces Armées Libanaises, Symbole d'unité nationale et objet de tensions communautaires. In Les Forces armées arabes et moyen-orientales (après les printemps arabes). Paris: ESKA.  


Histoire des agricultures jusqu'au XIXe siècle

Roudart, L., & Mazoyer, M. (2014). Histoire des agricultures jusqu'au XIXe siècle. In Encyclopaedia universalis. Paris: Universalis.  

Cet article retrace l'évolution et la différenciation des agricultures pratiquées par l'humanité à travers le monde, en particulier en Europe, depuis dix mille ans. Il explique la genèse des écarts de productivité du travail entre les agricultures contemporaines, ainsi que les conséquences multiples de ce développement agricole inégal, parmi lesquelles la pauvreté paysanne de masse. Il présente une analyse prospective de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation de l'humanité à l'horizon 2050, et envisage des politiques de développement agricole durable.


Les Ressources - Le grand enjeu de la transition sociétale et écologique

Negrutiu, I., Couvet, D., Doussan, I., Kalinowski, W., Malwé, C., Roudart, L., Salles, J.-M., & Weber, J.-L. (2014). Les Ressources - Le grand enjeu de la transition sociétale et écologique. In F. Collart Dutilleul & T. Bréger (Eds.), Penser une démocratie alimentaire. San José, Costa Rica: INIDA.  


Terres cultivables et terres cultivées du monde et de ses grandes régions

Roudart, L. (2014). Terres cultivables et terres cultivées du monde et de ses grandes régions. In Ressources agricoles et forestières: L'imagination juridique et économique au service de l'environnement. Bruxelles: Bruylant.  


Histoire des agricultures depuis le XXe siècle

Roudart, L., & Mazoyer, M. (2014). Histoire des agricultures depuis le XXe siècle. In Encyclopaedia universalis. Paris: Universalis.  


Accès à la terre et à l'eau dans la zone de l'Office du Niger au Mali : les propositions de réforme du Syndicat des exploitants agricoles familiaux

Roudart, L., & Dave, B. (2014). Accès à la terre et à l'eau dans la zone de l'Office du Niger au Mali : les propositions de réforme du Syndicat des exploitants agricoles familiaux. In F. Collart Dutilleul & T. Bréger (Eds.), Penser une démocratie alimentaire. San José, Costa Rica: INIDA.  



Les composantes et les soubresauts d'une longue histoire

Butt, T., et al. (2013). Les composantes et les soubresauts d'une longue histoire. In L'Iran dans le monde (pp. 63-90). Paris: L'Harmattan.  


Political Culture, Use of History and Democratization in Iran

Nahavandy, F., et al. (2013). Political Culture, Use of History and Democratization in Iran. In Iran and the challenges of 21st Century. California: Mazda Publications.  



Origins, Development and Differentiation of World Agricultures

Roudart, L., & Mazoyer, M. (2012). Origins, Development and Differentiation of World Agricultures. In M. Agnoletti, E. Johann, & S. Neri Semeri (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems - World Environmental History. UNESCO - EOLSS Publishers.  


Cultivable Land : A Scarce Resource ?

Roudart, L. (2012). Cultivable Land : A Scarce Resource ? In P. Jacquet, L. Tubiana, & R. Pachauri (Eds.), A Planet for Life - Development, the Environment and Food : Towards Agricultural Change ?. Teri Press.  


Résistance et contestation en République islamique d'Iran

Nahavandy, F. (2012). Résistance et contestation en République islamique d'Iran. In Etat des résistances dans le Sud. Louvain-La-Neuve: CETRI.  


La fracture alimentaire et agricole mondiale

Mazoyer, M., & Roudart, L. (2012). La fracture alimentaire et agricole mondiale. In C. Verschuur (Ed.), Genre, changements agraires et alimentation. Paris: L'Harmattan.(Cahiers genre et développement).  



L'évolution de la Résistance Islamique du Hezbollah : des perspectives de paix au Liban ?

Leroy, D. (2011). L'évolution de la Résistance Islamique du Hezbollah : des perspectives de paix au Liban ? In S. Boussois (Ed.), Moyen-Orient : Sociétés en guerre, sociétés en crise. Paris: Editions du cygne.(Les Cahiers du Cercle des Chercheurs sur le Moyen-Orient).  


Sous-alimentation et malnutrition dans le monde

Roudart, L. (2011). Sous-alimentation et malnutrition dans le monde. In Encyclopaedia universalis. Paris: Universalis.  

: Cet article présente les principaux groupes de produits qui constituent l'alimentation de l'humanité au début du XXIe siècle. Il définit les concepts de sous-alimentation, malnutrition et sécurité alimentaire, expose les disponibilités énergétiques alimentaires dans différents types de pays, ainsi que des chiffres sur la suralimentation, la sous-alimentation, les carences en micronutriments et en eau potable. Il présente les conséquences de la malnutrition et retrace l'émergence de la reconnaissance internationale du problème de la faim. Il relate les évolutions concomitantes de la population et de la production agricole mondiales, la transformation des régimes alimentaires dans les pays développés, ainsi que l'évolution de la sous-alimentation dans les pays en développement. Il expose les grands courants d'analyse des causes de la sous-alimentation, les politiques passées de lutte contre la faim et la malnutrition, et enfin des perspectives alimentaires et agricoles à l'horizon 2050.



L'alimentation, convenable pour la moitié de l'humanité

Roudart, L. (2010). L'alimentation, convenable pour la moitié de l'humanité. In La question agricole mondiale. Paris: La documentation Française.  

Ce chapitre présente la situation très contrastée de l'alimentation dans le monde : différents systèmes alimentaires, disparités des régimes, carences chroniques en énergie et en micronutriments, surpoids et obésité, famines et autres crises alimentaires. Il explique les principaux types d'intervention publique contre les malnutritions : politiques d'accroissement à long terme du ratio disponibilités alimentaires/population ou des capacités d'accès à l'alimentation, lutte contre les crises alimentaires, les carences en micronutriments, l'obésité et le surpoids. En dépit de ces interventions, les diverses formes de malnutrition affectent la moitié de l'humanité. Les décideurs sont ainsi confrontés à des choix stratégiques, relatifs au mode de développement agricole international à venir, à l'accès à la terre, au type de système agro-alimentaire qui sera privilégié, à la désignation de responsables en cas de faim, et à l'instauration de politiques alimentaires intégrées.


La coopération internationale dans un monde multipolaire

Nahavandy, F. (2010). La coopération internationale dans un monde multipolaire. In Refonder les politiques de développement: Les relations Nord-Sud dans un monde multipolaire.  



Hezbollah, la résilience islamique au Liban?

Leroy, D. (2009). Hezbollah, la résilience islamique au Liban? In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Mouvements islamistes et Politique. Paris: L'Harmattan.(Comprendre le Moyen-Orient).  

Description de l'évolution idéologique et structurelle du Hezbollah libanais



Le Khomeinisme

Nahavandy, F. (2009). Le Khomeinisme. In Islam et Politique, réalités et stratégies multiples (pp. 81-120). Paris: L'harmattan.  


Nourrir les hommes. Un dictionnaire

Roudart, L., & Collectif, C. (2009). Nourrir les hommes. Un dictionnaire. In Nourrir les hommes. Un dictionnaire. Paris: Atlande.  



Politiques agricoles et négociations internationales

Roudart, L. (2008). Politiques agricoles et négociations internationales. In Encyclopaedia universalis. Paris: Universalis.  

Cet article présente les objectifs généraux et les moyens d'intervention des politiques agricoles. Il expose les grands types de politiques qui ont été conduites dans les pays développés et dans les pays en développement jusqu'au début des années 1990. Il explique ensuite pourquoi ces politiques ont été remises en cause, la teneur des négociations internationales sur l'agriculture depuis les années 1980, et la manière dont ces négociations ont influencé, ou non, les politiques agricoles mises en œuvre.


Introduction générale au domaine "Agriculture"

Roudart, L., & Mazoyer, M. (2008). Introduction générale au domaine "Agriculture". In Encyclopaedia universalis. Paris: Universalis.  

Cet article constitue l'introduction générale à un ensemble d'articles sur l'agriculture dans l'édition papier 2008 de Encyclopaedia universalis. Il met l'accent sur l'importance vitale de cette activité pour l'humanité, et sur la nécessité de créer les conditions d'un développement agricole durable dans les différentes régions de la planète.



Les politiques agricoles et alimentaires au risque des négociations internationales

Roudart, L. (2005). Les politiques agricoles et alimentaires au risque des négociations internationales. In L. Roudart & M. Mazoyer (Eds.), La fracture agricole et alimentaire mondiale (pp. 37-59). Paris: Universalis.(Le tour du sujet).  


La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de la malnutrition, et son évolution

Roudart, L. (2005). La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de la malnutrition, et son évolution. In L. Roudart & M. Mazoyer (Eds.), La fracture agricole et alimentaire mondiale (pp. 127-143). Paris: Universalis.(Le tour du sujet).  


Brève histoire des agricultures du monde

Roudart, L., & Mazoyer, M. (2005). Brève histoire des agricultures du monde. In L. Roudart & M. Mazoyer (Eds.), La fracture agricole et alimentaire mondiale (pp. 113-126). Paris: Universalis.(Le tour du sujet).  


Agricultures du monde : le prix de notre avenir

Roudart, L., & Mazoyer, M. (2005). Agricultures du monde : le prix de notre avenir. In La terre vue du ciel. Paris: La Martinière.  



Evolution des droits humains en Asie, le cas des femmes afghanes et iraniennes

Nahavandy, F. (2004). Evolution des droits humains en Asie, le cas des femmes afghanes et iraniennes. In Femmes et Etat de droit (pp. 211-223). Chaire Unesco, Fondation Hans Seidel.  


Globalization: And homogenisation of culture: the role of mass medias in developing countries

Nahavandy, F. (2004). Globalization: And homogenisation of culture: the role of mass medias in developing countries. In Societal responsibilities in life sciences (pp. 235-239). Delhi: Kamala.  


Fondamentalismes et sécularisation

Nahavandy, F. (2004). Fondamentalismes et sécularisation. In Intégrismes et laïcité (pp. 9-19). Bruxelles (Belgique): Cedil.  


The European Union and Central Asia

Nahavandy, F. (2004). The European Union and Central Asia. In Cooperation and conflict management in Central Asia (pp. 209-213). Peter Lang.  



Stigmatisation et identité internationale

Nahavandy, F. (2003). Stigmatisation et identité internationale. In Coopération internationale et développement (pp. 21-35). Paris: Karthala.  


Nourrir les hommes

Roudart, L. (2003). Nourrir les hommes. In Encyclopaedia universalis. Paris: Universalis.  


History of Agriculture

Mazoyer, M., & Roudart, L. (2003). History of Agriculture. In B. Nega & B. Degefe (Eds.), The Role of Urbanization in the Socio-Econimic Development Process (pp. 20-28). Ethiopian Economic Policy Research Institute.  



La persecution des Bahaïs en Iran

Nahavandy, F. (2002). La persecution des Bahaïs en Iran. In Sectes et hérésies. Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.  


La libéralisation récente du fermage et du métayage en Egypte, et ses effets économiques et sociaux

Roudart, L. (2002). La libéralisation récente du fermage et du métayage en Egypte, et ses effets économiques et sociaux. In M. Elloumi (Ed.), Mondialisation et sociétés rurales en Méditerranée (pp. 175-198). Karthala.  


Mondialisation, crise et conditions de développement durable des agricultures paysannes

Mazoyer, M., & Roudart, L. (2002). Mondialisation, crise et conditions de développement durable des agricultures paysannes. In Une alternative paysanne à la mondialisation néolibérale (pp. 9-41). Genève: Centre Europe - Tiers Monde (CETIM).  

L'objet de cet article est de saisir les mécanismes du développement inégal de certaines agricultures du monde, et de la crise d'autres agricultures. Il est aussi de comprendre les conséquences néfastes de ce développement contradictoire, et d'envisager une nouvelle organisation des échanges internationaux.


Les politiques agricoles

Bazin, G., & Roudart, L. (2002). Les politiques agricoles. In Larousse agricole (pp. 689-699).  

Cet article retrace les grands traits de la Politique agricole commune (PAC) jusqu'au début des années 1990 (organisations communes de marché, politique de commerce extérieur, politique des structures), précise la politique agricole française qui eut lieu dans ce cadre, présente les grands traits de la politique agricole des Etats-Unis jusqu'au début des années 1990, et envisage les effets de ces politiques. Puis il expose les principaux éléments de l'Accord sur l'agriculture du cycle de l'Uruguay, les réformes de la PAC (1992, 1999), l'évolution de la politique agricole américaine (FAIR Act de 1996, farm bill de 2002), les perspectives de nouvelles négociations agricoles à l'OMC, compte tenu en particulier des positions des pays en développement. Il conclue en posant la question de l'avenir des politiques agricoles.


Alimentation dans le monde : évolutions et perspectives

Roudart, L. (2002). Alimentation dans le monde : évolutions et perspectives. In Universalia 2002. Universalis.  



Morcellement et modernité de l'agriculture égyptienne

Roudart, L. (2001). Morcellement et modernité de l'agriculture égyptienne. In A.-M. Jouve (Ed.), Le morcellement des terres dans les pays méditerranéens (pp. 181-215). Paris: Karthala.  



Développement et globalisation

Nahavandy, F. (2000). Développement et globalisation. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Globalisation et néolibéralisme dans le tiers-monde (pp. 9-28). Paris: L'harmattan.  



La révolution iranienne comme recomposition locale du sens

Nahavandy, F. (1999). La révolution iranienne comme recomposition locale du sens. In Modernités et recomposition locale du sens. Mons: Editions de la FUCAM.  



Le problème de la violence envers les femmes dans les pays musulmans

Nahavandy, F. (1998). Le problème de la violence envers les femmes dans les pays musulmans. In Les religions et la violence (pp. 121-129). Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.  


De la nécessité de la connaissance de l'Autre et du rôle de l'enseignement scolaire

Nahavandy, F. (1998). De la nécessité de la connaissance de l'Autre et du rôle de l'enseignement scolaire. In L'école et l'éducation au développement (pp. 57-63). Bruxelles (Belgique): Colophon.  



La Russie, l'Iran et l'Azerbaijan. Les origines historiques de la politique étrangère iranienne

Nahavandy, F. (1996). La Russie, l'Iran et l'Azerbaijan. Les origines historiques de la politique étrangère iranienne. In B. Coppieters (Ed.), Contested Borders in the Caucasus (pp. 153-162). Brussels: VUB Press.  



L'islam et l'intolérance religieuse, le cas des juifs d'Iran

Nahavandy, F. (1995). L'islam et l'intolérance religieuse, le cas des juifs d'Iran. In G. Gorieli & J. Lemaire (Eds.), Affrontements et intolérances (pp. 155-160). Bruxelles (Belgique): Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.  



Les mouvements antimaçonniques en Iran

Nahavandy, F. (1993). Les mouvements antimaçonniques en Iran. In A. Dierkens (Ed.), Les courants antimaçonniques hier et aujourd'hui, Vol. 4. Problèmes d'Histoire des religions (pp. 121-129). Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.  


Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux


Children's Experiences of Living in Joint Physical Custody in Italy : Norms and Practices

Murru, S. (2021). Children's Experiences of Living in Joint Physical Custody in Italy : Norms and Practices. IV ISA Forum of Sociology: RC06 Family Research - Living in Joint Physical Custody Care Arrangements after Parental Break-up (23-28/02/2021: Porto Alegre, Brésil)  

This paper presents new results that emerged from an innovative research grounded in a yearlong fieldwork in Turin, Italy, where I exchanged with 22 children living in JPC, aged 10 to 16. The data presented, as well as the creative methodological design that was put into place, comes from an ERC Starting Grant funded research project entitled MobileKids: Children in Multi-Local, Post-Separation Families (supervision, Prof. Laura Merla). The problematic is to understand how the lives of children are affected by divorce, mobility and multilocality in the context of shared custody arrangements, and how children accommodate to this family situation. Considering children as active social actors that can, to various extents, exercise agency and influence on their own lives as well as on the lives of the people surrounding them, while being constrained by institutions, I look at the process of moving from one house to the other every week and ask how children maneuver inside this mobility. In this perspective, I look into the work that is done to move from one home to the other: what are the children in charge of, what resources or infrastructures are made available to them, what skills/competences do they have (had) to acquire, where is there coordination with the work of others (parents, siblings, etc.)? The overarching question being: how these children's family practices are socially organized (what discourses/norms/ideologies shape them) and, especially, what role children play in this context?


Critical Analysis of the Use of the Socio-Spatial Network Game in a Study in Shared Physical Custody to capture the Children's Standpoint

Murru, S., & Theys, C. (2021). Critical Analysis of the Use of the Socio-Spatial Network Game in a Study in Shared Physical Custody to capture the Children's Standpoint. IV ISA Forum of Sociology  

Based on an ongoing research project entitled MobileKids: Children in Multi-Local, Post-Separation Families (ERC Starting Grant project - supervision: Prof. Laura Merla), this paper critically examines the use of the Socio-Spatial Network Game (SSNG) as an innovative method to observe children in shared physical custody's experiences of multi-locality. The problematic is to understand how the lives of children are affected by divorce, mobility and multilocality in the context of shared custody arrangements, and how children accommodate to this family situation. The SSNG is a board game where children can concretely construct the experience of their multi-local everyday life (Schier et al 2015). In other words, it is as a space sensitive tool for qualitative egocentric network analysis, that is developed for research with children and allows great creative freedom in an aim to capture information about social relations and their spatial dimensions. This paper will thus start by exposing the method, its pertinence to capture the children's standpoint, as well as an ethical reflection of its use with minors. As we all mobilize the SSNG during our first encounter with children, we then propose a critical and reflexive analysis on the strengths and weaknesses of using this method in a collective project such as MobileKids - where each researcher focuses on a specific research question. In particular, we present how the method was used to document social networks in two separate sub-cases: one that focuses specifically on children's social networks, and the other that is framed as an institutional ethnography, documenting everyday practices.



Analysing the experience of shared custody arrangements in Belgium and Italy through the lens of the “democratic family"

Murru, S., Nobels, B., Theys, C., & Merla, L. (2020). Analysing the experience of shared custody arrangements in Belgium and Italy through the lens of the “democratic family".  


Do family policies support multi-local, post-separation families practicing shared custody arrangements? A comparative view from Belgium, France, and Italy.

Merla, L., Izaguirre Valdivieso, L., & Murru, S. (2020). Do family policies support multi-local, post-separation families practicing shared custody arrangements? A comparative view from Belgium, France, and Italy. 4th Meeting of the European Network for Multi-Locality Studies: Services and Policy Making on Multi-Local Living (University of Milano Bicocca)  

In this paper, we compare and discuss the level of support that Belgian, French, and Italian family policies offer to multi-local, post-separation families who have put in place shared physical custody arrangements for their children. This innovative policy analysis is based on an expert survey aimed at understanding the scope and implementation of public policies regarding shared physical custody in the three countries. It takes place in the broader context of the ERC Starting Grant project MobileKids: Children in Multi-Local, Post-Separation Families.



Cultural-normative constructions of the family and children's best interests in the lived experiences of shared custody arrangements in Belgium and Italy

Merla, L., Murru, S., & Nobels, B. (2019). Cultural-normative constructions of the family and children's best interests in the lived experiences of shared custody arrangements in Belgium and Italy. ESA Conference (Mancester)  

Based on in-depth, qualitative fieldwork with children aged between 10 and 16, and semi-structured interviews with at least one of their parents, this paper examines the role that local cultural-normative constructions of children, their best interests, and the roles of mothers and fathers in families, play in shaping the lived experiences of shared custody arrangements in Belgium and Italy. After presenting the main characteristics of the everyday organization of this mode of living in the two countries, we examine the specific role that Italian and Belgian children, mothers and fathers play in the coordination of this multi-local living arrangement. We observe in particular strong local differences, on the one hand, in children's levels of autonomy and active participation in the management of the practicalities of moving between two homes and, on the other hand, in the roles that fathers and mothers respectively take in the organization of their children's daily lives within, and across households. We then try to make sense of those differences by discussing how local cultural-normative constructions of children and families may shape these practices.


Cultural-Normative Frameworks Shaping the Lived Experiences of Shared Custody Arrangements in Italy and Belgium

Merla, L., Murru, S., & Nobels, B. (2019). Cultural-Normative Frameworks Shaping the Lived Experiences of Shared Custody Arrangements in Italy and Belgium. Changing Families, Changing Institutions? InFaCt Seminar (Universita degli Studi di Torino)  

Based on in-depth, qualitative fieldwork with over 40 children aged between 10 and 16, and semi-structured interviews with at least one of their parents, this paper examines the role of children's cultural-normative frameworks in shaping the lived experiences of shared custody arrangements in Belgium and Italy. The data presented, as well as the creative methodological design that was put into place (Schier et al 2015), comes from an ERC Starting Grant funded research project entitled MobileKids: Children in Multi-Local, Post-Separation Families (supervision, Prof. Laura Merla). The problematic is to understand how the lives of children are affected by divorce, mobility and multilocality in the context of shared custody arrangements, and how children accommodate to this family situation. Moreover, this project considers children as active social actors that can, to various extents, exercise agency and influence on their own lives as well as on the lives of the people surrounding them, while being constrained by institutions (James & Prout 1997, Sirota 2002). After presenting the main characteristics of the everyday organization of this mode of living in both countries, we examine the specific role that Italian and Belgian children, mothers and fathers play in the coordination of this multi-local living arrangement. In particular, we focus on two dimensions that show contrasting experiences in both countries: on the one hand, the roles that mothers and fathers respectively take in the organization of their children's daily lives within, and across households and, on the other hand, the relationship between space and family relations and practices. We then try to make sense of those differences by discussing how local cultural-normative constructions of children and families may shape these practices.



Studying children in shared physical custody in Turin, Italy : methodological considerations for the study of multi-local residency.

Murru, S., & Merla, L. (2018). Studying children in shared physical custody in Turin, Italy : methodological considerations for the study of multi-local residency. 2nd Meeting of European Network for Multi-locality studies : Multi-Locality and Work-Life Reconciliation (Prague, Czeck Republic)  

This paper explores the methods employed to study the experience of children living in shared physical custody arrangements in Turin, Italy. It is part of the ERC Starting Grant research project, supervised by Prof. Laura Merla, MobileKids: Children in Multi-Local, Post- Separation Families, which seeks to understand the lived experiences of children who grow up in separated or divorced families practicing shared physical custody arrangements in Belgium, France and Italy. Considering children as active social actors that can, to various extents, exercise agency and influence on their own lives as well as on the lives of the people surrounding them, we ask how children are active in developing family practices inside this mobility and look at the process of moving from one house to the other every week. For this purpose, we will present 3 methods that we mobilize to help the children make sense of their multi-local residency: the Social Spatial Network Game (Schier, 2017), the use of photos, and fictional cases about specific key moments in this context.


Quality of parent-child relations in post-separation families. A view from the Brussels-Wallonia Federation

Merla, L., Dedonder, J., & Murru, S. (2018). Quality of parent-child relations in post-separation families. A view from the Brussels-Wallonia Federation. 4th International Conference on Shared Parenting  

This presentation is based on the Leuven/Louvain Adolescents Survey (LAdS), a survey conducted in 2017-2018 in secondary schools in Belgium by researchers and master students from the KULeuven (for the part administered in Flanders) and the UCLouvain (for the part administered in the Brussels-Wallonia Federation). LAdS aims at mapping the diversity of family arrangements and their influence on the beliefs, attitudes and practices of adolescents. In this presentation we focus on the part of this survey conducted amongst children in the Brussels-Wallonia Federation, which also locates itself within the context of MobileKids, a 5-years ERC Starting Grant project that seeks to understand how Belgian, French and Italian teenagers living in egalitarian shared custody arrangements accommodate to their multi-local lives. The Brussels-Wallonia federation is a quite interesting, yet understudied, case with regards to shared custody arrangements, as it is located in Belgium, a country that adopted a law in 2006 that sets egalitarian shared custody as the custody arrangement that must be considered in the first place in case of parental separation. According to the 2017 Family Barometer of the Belgian Family League, as of today, more than four out of ten parents in the Brussels-Wallonia Federation experience a divorce or separation, and one out of three separated couples equally share custody of their children. Yet little is known about how the children experience post-divorce family life in this region, and how this influences their family relations. The main aim of this presentation is to understand the factors that influence the quality of relationships between the children who participated in this survey and their parents (mother and father). We show that relations with a specific parent are influenced by factors such as feeling at home at this parent's place, having a high level of contact on social networks with this parent, and having a good relation with the other parent.


A reflexive analysis on the use of social spatial network games (SSNG) and pictures for Institutional Ethnography : The case of children living under shared custody agreements

Murru, S. (2018). A reflexive analysis on the use of social spatial network games (SSNG) and pictures for Institutional Ethnography : The case of children living under shared custody agreements. XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology: TG06 Institutional Ethnography - IE and Other Concepts: Configuring Apparatus for Inquiry (Toronto)  

This paper presents the mobilization of two specific methods inside an IE about MobileKids: Children in Multi-Local, Post-Separation Families (ERC Starting Grant project - supervision: Prof . Laura Merla) . The aim of this ongoing study is to grasp the standpoint of children living under equal shared custody agreements - particularly as children's own accounts and experiences of contemporary changes have largely been overlooked up to now . Considering children as active social actors that can, to various extents, exercise agency and influence on their own lives as well as on the lives of the people surrounding them, I look at the process of moving from one house to the other every week and ask how children maneuver inside this mobility.The specificity of this project lies in the parallelization between the analysis of the textual material present in the work that is done to move from one place of residence to the other, with an explicit production of texts by the children. To grasp their standpoint, I develop a sequential set of activities that represent creative ways to open their narratives about their everyday lives: (1) A session with Social Spatial Network Games (SSNG) - a kind of board game where children can concretely construct their experience of their multi-local everyday life; (2) children are asked to take pictures during the action of moving from one house to the other and we go over the meaning behind them; (3) I participate in the double move - from one parent's house to the other's, and back .In this paper, I shall reflexively and critically address the use of SSNG and pictures, which represent texts of a particular nature: they hold discursive meaning about the children's standpoint yet are not initially present in their everyday lives, as they are a production of the research design .



Les circuits courts : organisations hybrides sous haute(s) tension(s) ?

Maréchal, K., & Plateau, L. (2017). Les circuits courts : organisations hybrides sous haute(s) tension(s) ? In B. Van Pottelsberghe (Ed.), Les enjeux de l'innovation : quelles politiques ? quelles gouvernances ? (pp. 475-496) Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université Ouverte.  


Silent Dissidence and Everyday Resistance: A Case Study of Single Mothers in Hanoi

Murru, S., & Polese, A. (2017). Silent Dissidence and Everyday Resistance: A Case Study of Single Mothers in Hanoi. International Conference on International Dissidence: Rule and Resistance in a Globalized World (Frankfurt, Germany)  

This contribution presents a study on single mothers in Vietnam as a way to challenge the official narrative on family and social policies that have been adopted, and allegedly implemented, by the socialist party since 1986. To serve the State's economic renovation process, characterized by a shift towards a consumer marketed economy, the “Happy Family Campaign" was aimed at asserting the unchallenged and unchallengeable idea of a wealthy heterosexual, married couple with two children, as the fundamental unit of the Vietnamese society. In opposition to this model, our findings show that single mothers are operating a strong deconstruction of the normalized discourse on family. As women are severely subordinated inside the patriarchal family structure, single mothers are constructing for themselves an alternative to it, further forcing the State to adjust its policies and legislation in order to account for this new social category. Based on ethnographic material collected during several stays in 2014 and 2015 in Hanoi, our paper explores the way everyday practices, taking place in public, private, and translocal social spaces, challenge the dominant model of the family enforced by the socialist party over the past thirty years. By doing this, we engage with literature on everyday resistance (Scott 1984, 1991) but also on engagement in corrupted practices as a way to participate in political process by those excluded from them (Gupta 1995). In addition, we offer a gendered analysis of dissidence. We maintain that dissidence can be performed in a variety of ways and we challenge exclusionary views on the production of the political strictly through major and visible actors to expand participation in political processes to “invisible and marginalized" actors that, by force of number, have the potential to impact State instructions.


Children in shared physical custody arrangements

Merla, L., Dedonder, J., & Murru, S. (2017). Children in shared physical custody arrangements. Workshop : Family Dynamics and the Changing Landscape of Shared Custody in Europe  

MobileKids is a 5-years ERC Starting Grant project that seeks to understand how Belgian, French and Italian children living in egalitarian shared custody arrangements, and aged between 10 and 16, accommodate to their multi-local lives. The project seeks to understand in particular how they maintain family and social relations, through the appropriation of mobility and virtual connectedness. Based on the preliminary results of the Leuven/Louvain Adolescents Survey (LAdS), a survey conducted in Belgian secondary schools, and which aims at mapping the diversity of family arrangements and their influence on the beliefs, attitudes and practices of adolescents, we will focus our presentation on the socio-demographic profiles of children growing up in shared physical custody arrangements, on the characteristics of this family arrangement, and on the level of contact children maintain with relatives across their two households, via the use of digital technologies.



Agroecology in the Context of Rural Development Interventions in Burkina Faso: A Smallholders' Livelihoods' Catalyst?

Kapgen, D., & Roudart, L. (2016). Agroecology in the Context of Rural Development Interventions in Burkina Faso: A Smallholders' Livelihoods' Catalyst? Proceedings of the Tropentag 2016 Conference Tropentag 2016(18-21 September 2016: Vienna (Austria))  


Doing Research on Resistance: Departing from a Conceptualization in Terms of Social Spaces

Murru, S. (2016). Doing Research on Resistance: Departing from a Conceptualization in Terms of Social Spaces. Resistances: Between Theories and the Field (ULB)  

In this paper, I intend to critically approach epistemologies and methodologies for the study of resistance. In order to do so, I draw on the reflexions brought by my fieldwork among Single Moms in Hanoi. Here, I faced a group of women living multiple subordinations: as women in a patriarchal society; as mothers in a country that considers maternity as a public matter to be regulated since it concerns the upbringing of the next generation of citizens; and as outcasts, the status of Single Mom being down looked and marginalized. Eager to find out how they resisted the various power relations associated to their condition as Single Moms, I however struggled to locate a specific form of resistance, as their practices were located in their private and public lives, as well as in translocal social spaces due to online communication. This contrasts with classic research in Resistance Studies that mainly categorizes works in terms of the social space in which forms of resistance occur - namely, the public space (encompassing social movements, protests, revolutions, nonviolent/civil resistance or people power movements), the private space (everyday resistance, informal networks and economies, quiet encroachements, or infrapolitics) and translocal social spaces (global/international movements, global resistance/activism, or resistance to globalization). Nevertheless, recent works also recognize the need to understand resistance as a diffuse practice that is not limited to the location in which it is observed. Based on similar preoccupations in the field of Gender Studies and Resistance Studies - unveiling and rehabilitating categories of subjects that had been left out of scientific inquiry and targeting complex configurations of domination and power relations in order to understand how subjects can effectively challenge them (Bleiker, 2004; Duncombe, 2002; Scott, 1985, 1991; Schock, 2013; Stephan, Chenoweth, 2008; Vinthagen, 2015; Vinthagen, Johansson, 2013) - this chapter aims at developing a comprehensive epistemological and methodological framework for the study of resistance that is inspired by the feminist one. That is to say, a research framework that acknowledges a militant goal for research, which entails locating power relations that are at play in the production of knowledge, recognizing the subjectivity and situatedness of a research project, conducting research collaboratively with the subjects of inquiry, starting from their lives and experiences of subordination, and finally, building knowledge that intends to be empowering (Haraway, 1988, Harding, 2009, Mohanty, 2003; Ollivier, Tremblay, 2000; Smith, L.T., 1999; Spivak, 2009; Sprague, 2005). In this sense, the framework for doing research on resistance will allow to grasp resistance the way it is experienced by subordinates themselves, in its multiplicity and complexity, as a diffuse social practice and in a dynamic relation with power.



Faming systems analysis and land policy: The case of the Office du Niger area in Mali

Roudart, L., & Dave, B. (2015). Faming systems analysis and land policy: The case of the Office du Niger area in Mali. FSD5 Proceedings: 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design. Multi-functional farming systems in a changing world 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design(7-10 september 2015: Montpellier)  


A Feminist Framework for the Study of Resistance

Murru, S. (2015). A Feminist Framework for the Study of Resistance. Resistance and Social change (Karlstad, Sweden)  

If we take the works of James C. Scott on everyday forms of resistance as a starting point, we can see that the study of “resistance" has developed tremendously over the past 30 years. During past decades, the transformation of the international context and the shift in the balance of powers with the introduction of global economy has had a tremendous effect on the ways and means used to challenge power and domination. Indeed, the world saw the emergence of forms of contestation that didn't qualify or enter in the frame set for the understanding of social movements or revolutions, as they were unorganized, sometimes spontaneous and without leadership. Roland Bleiker notes that “[i]n previous epochs, popular protests had a mostly local nature, that is, their dynamic was one that directly opposed ruler and ruled. By the late twentieth century the nature of dissent has changed fundamentally. The presence of mass media can transform a local act of resistance almost immediately into an event of global significance. Images of a protest march may flicker over television screens worldwide only hours after people have taken to the street. As a result, the protest soon takes on a much larger, trans-territorial dimension" (2004, 1). This has thus led to an increase in works on resistance. In particular, literature on “nonviolent resistance" and “global resistance" has really developed these past 15 years. Furthermore, attempts have been made to unite scholars working on resistance in order to develop a specific field of Resistance Studies. This has been done through the development of a Resistance Studies Network and an increase in conferences and events around the conceptualization of resistance. Recently, the “Resisting Theory" network was created in Sussex and the Endowed Chair in the Study of Nonviolent Direct Action and Civil Resistance - very first initiative of this kind - was founded at UMass Amherst, Massachusetts. This saw the introduction of courses on the theory of resistance and more events around the subject. Finally, the very first interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed scientific Journal of Resistance Studies was founded with its first edition issuing in June 2015. In addition, this unprecedented development of Resistance Studies has highlighted the need to draw a unified theoretical and methodological framework, which would account for the diversity of forms of resistance (Scott, 1986, 1991; Bleiker, 2004; Vinthagen 2007; Vinthagen & Lilja, 2007; Johansson & Vinthagen, 2013, 2014). “Unified" is to be understood here as the construction of a research framework, which would allow catching resistance in its multiplicity and complexity. Therefore, in my communication, I call for a research framework inspired and informed by the feminist one, and I argue the latter can be adequately adapted to the study of resistance. Indeed, I shall first highlight the similarities between the emergence of Gender Studies and Resistance Studies as scientific disciplines. I will show that they both took on the task to unveil and rehabilitate similar marginalized groups of subjects which had been left out of scientific research. I shall then expose how the discipline of Gender Studies built a feminist framework for research by targeting biases in traditional positivist epistemologies and methodologies and undertaking a full deconstruction of normalized research scheme. Finally, based on the similar trajectories followed by both disciplines, I shall suggest concrete directions that could be undertaken and debated for the development of an epistemological and methodological framework for Resistance Studies that integrates the tools developed by the feminist framework in order to study the marginalized, oppressed, and subordinated.



Conceptualiser la Résistance : Les Méthodologies Féministes de Recherche à la Rescousse

Murru, S. (2014). Conceptualiser la Résistance : Les Méthodologies Féministes de Recherche à la Rescousse. Résistances des Femmes dans la Région MENA (Brussels, Belgium)  



Mode of farming and human population size : an evaluation method applied to the case of the french territory from the neolithic age to the beginning of the 20th century

Roudart, L., & Mazoyer, M. (2013). Mode of farming and human population size : an evaluation method applied to the case of the french territory from the neolithic age to the beginning of the 20th century. First International Conference on Global Food Security (29 september - 2 october 2013: Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands)  



La participation politique des femmes en Afrique francophone : cas du Rwanda

Uwizeyimana, E. (2009). La participation politique des femmes en Afrique francophone : cas du Rwanda. In Situation des droits des femmes et de l'égalité des sexes en Afrique francophone (p. 122) Lomé: ROFAF.  

Après la conférence de Beijing de 1995, plusieurs actions visant l'amélioration du statut de la femme, ont été entammées. Jusqu'aujourd'hui, il reste difficile d'avoir une vision d'ensemble dans les pays d'afrique francophone sur la situation des droits des femmes. Le colloque avait en quelques sorte trois objectifs : le diagnostic de la situation réelle et actuelle des femmes; l'identification des obstacles; et la proposition des stratégies à adopter pour améliorer le statut de la femme africaine. Les pays concernés : Togo; Niger, Rwanda, Cote d'Ivoire, RD Congo, Bénin, Burundi; Mali; Sénégal; etc. Plusieurs thèmes y sont abordés notamment : femme et éducation; femme et politique; femme et santé de reproduction; femme et VIH/Sida; femmes et conflit et violence; femme et TIC; etc.



Les causes de dénatalité chez les Zande

Salmon, P. M., & Nahavandy, F. (1988). Les causes de dénatalité chez les Zande. In Actes du Cinquantenaire du CEMUBAC (pp. 286-299). (Travaux du Centre scientifique et médical de l'Université libre de Bruxelles en Afrique centrale, 95). Bruxelles: Edition CEMUBAC.  


Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers


Travail en association

Anciaux, G., Wiaux, F., Plateau, L., et al. (2018). Travail en association. In Le maraichage agroécologique professionnel sur petites surfaces en zones (péri-)urbaine.  


La boussole de viabilité

Pipart, N., Wiaux, F., Plateau, L., et al. (2018). La boussole de viabilité.  


Coopérer au stade la production. Enjeux et recueil d'expériences pour de nouveaux modèles agricoles

Plateau, L., et al. (2018). Coopérer au stade la production. Enjeux et recueil d'expériences pour de nouveaux modèles agricoles.  



Analyse dynamique de la durabilité vécue et mise en oeuvre par les acteurs des circuits courts - Rapport scientifique final

Plateau, L., Holzemer, L., Nyssens, T., & Maréchal, K. (2016). Analyse dynamique de la durabilité vécue et mise en oeuvre par les acteurs des circuits courts - Rapport scientifique final.  


Durabilité des circuits courts: la filière éco-construction

Plateau, L., & Holzemer, L. (2016). Durabilité des circuits courts: la filière éco-construction.  


Durabilité des circuits courts: structuration de filières

Plateau, L., & Holzemer, L. (2016). Durabilité des circuits courts: structuration de filières.  


Durabilité des circuits courts: les enjeux logistiques

Plateau, L., & Holzemer, L. (2016). Durabilité des circuits courts: les enjeux logistiques.  


Durabilité des circuits courts: les compétences et l'accompagnement

Plateau, L., & Holzemer, L. (2016). Durabilité des circuits courts: les compétences et l'accompagnement.  


Durabilité des circuits courts: la filière céréales, meunerie, boulangerie

Plateau, L., & Holzemer, L. (2016). Durabilité des circuits courts: la filière céréales, meunerie, boulangerie.  



Projet « CADACC » - Caractérisation de la demande alimentaire en circuits courts : rapport final juin 2015

Holzemer, L., Marcq, P., Plateau, L., Mertens, S., & Maréchal, K. (2015). Projet « CADACC » - Caractérisation de la demande alimentaire en circuits courts : rapport final juin 2015.  


Gender and Eco-tourism: Towards a Sustainable Development in Al Badhan Village, Palestine

Hrimat, N., Alkhouri, S., & Panosetti, F. (2015). Gender and Eco-tourism: Towards a Sustainable Development in Al Badhan Village, Palestine. In N. Theuma (Ed.), Gender and Cultural Heritage: the Perspective of Six Mediterranean Countries 71-73.  



Paysans investisseurs. La faisabilité économique de la proposition du Sexagon

Dave, B., Mazoyer, M., & Roudart, L. (2012). Paysans investisseurs. La faisabilité économique de la proposition du Sexagon.  



Terres cultivables, terres cultivées, autres usages ou couvertures des terres du monde et des grandes régions : situation actuelle et prospective

Roudart, L. (2009). Terres cultivables, terres cultivées, autres usages ou couvertures des terres du monde et des grandes régions : situation actuelle et prospective.  



Panorama des analyses prospectives sur l'évolution de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale à l'horizon 2020-2030

Drogué, S., Grandval, C., Bureau, J.-C., Guyomard, H., & Roudart, L. (2006). Panorama des analyses prospectives sur l'évolution de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale à l'horizon 2020-2030.  


Direction d'ouvrages: chapitres rédigés par des membres de l'ULB


Anti-Sexism as Weaponized Discourse Against Muslim Immigration

Van Oost, P., Klein, O., & Yzerbyt, V. (2024). Anti-Sexism as Weaponized Discourse Against Muslim Immigration: A View from Social Psychology. In L. Merla, S. Murru, G. Orsini, & T. Vuckovic Juros (Eds.), Excluding diversity through intersectional bordering (pp. 93-111). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-65623-1_6  

For fifty years, the Western world has witnessed a noticeable decrease in overt expressions of prejudice, reflecting evolving social norms, whereby racism is perceived as something immoral and is often illegal. At the same time, it is clear that racist prejudice persists, largely rooted in historical and cultural legacies like colonialism. Because our egalitarian norms make prejudice undesirable, prejudice is predominantly conveyed in subtle ways, and tends to be rationalized (Crandall & Eshleman, 2003). In this context, gender equality ideology has been brought to the debate to legitimize a racist discourse against Muslims across different European countries. Politicians who hardly ever showed any sympathy for or even blatantly opposed gender-rights movements are found to profess gender-based arguments to support an anti-Muslim agenda. Threatened by purportedly sexist and illiberal Islam, these leaders argue that the ‘European egalitarian culture' must be protected and reasserted. This opportunistic support for the gender movement on behalf of politicians has been pointed out by several authors (e.g., Delphy, 2006; Farris, 2017). In the present chapter, we explore social psychological perspectives that have been developed to tackle this paradox. In particular, we focus on the concept of ‘ideological malleability', as introduced by Knowles and colleagues in 2009.




L'Iran et l'Asie de l'Est. Un lien vital méconnu

Kellner, T. (2013). L'Iran et l'Asie de l'Est. Un lien vital méconnu. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), L'Iran dans le monde (pp. 229-260). Paris: L'Harmattan.(Comprendre le Moyen-Orient).  



La Turquie et la Chine : entre compétition et partenariat

Kellner, T. (2012). La Turquie et la Chine : entre compétition et partenariat. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Turquie. Le Déploiement stratégique (pp. 201-246). Bruxelles: Bruylant.(Axes Savoir, 32).  



Les usages politiques de l'Islam en Tchétchénie post-soviétique

Merlin, A. (2009). Les usages politiques de l'Islam en Tchétchénie post-soviétique. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Mouvements islamistes et politique: L'Harmattan.  



Politiques et violences : vers une sociologie dangereuse

Vienne, P. (2007). Politiques et violences : vers une sociologie dangereuse. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Vivre ensemble au XXIe siècle: Actes du colloque international de l'Institut de Sociologie (pp. 203-216). Bruxelles: Institut de Sociologie (Université libre de Bruxelles).  



Les fundamentalisme

Susanne, C. (2005). Les fundamentalisme: quand l'enseignement de l'évolution (humaine) dérange. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Intégrismes et laïcité (pp. 67-112). Bruxelles: CEDIL.  



Genre, femmes et développement

Marques Pereira, B., & Raes, F. (2003). Genre, femmes et développement. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Repenser le développement et la coopération internationale, états des savoirs universitaires (pp. 141-159). Paris: Karthala.(Hommes et sociétés).  


Recherche(s) d'un 'après-développement'

Zaccai, E. (2003). Recherche(s) d'un 'après-développement'. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Repenser le développement et la coopération internationale: Etat des savoirs universitaires (pp. 59-73). Paris: Khartala.  



De la citoyenneté sociale à la citoyenneté politique

Marques Pereira, B. (2000). De la citoyenneté sociale à la citoyenneté politique: femmes dans le Cône Sud. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Globalisation et néo-libéralisme dans le Tiers-Monde (pp. 133-140). Paris: L'Harmattan.(Bibliothèque du développement).  


Questions sur l'évolution mondiale de la consommation dans ses rapports avec l'environnement

Zaccai, E. (2000). Questions sur l'évolution mondiale de la consommation dans ses rapports avec l'environnement. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Globalisation et néolibéralisme dans le Tiers-Monde (pp. 211-236). Paris: L'Harmattan.  


Direction d'actes de colloque: chapitres rédigés par des membres de l'ULB


La dimension politique de la reconnaissance

Sanchez-mazas Cutanda, M., & Roca I Escoda, M. (2007). La dimension politique de la reconnaissance: clé de lecture de l'action collective à partir de la théorie d'Axel Honneth. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Vivre ensemble au XXIe siècle: Actes du colloque de l'Institut de Sociologie Bruxelles: Université libre de Bruxelle.  



Manifestations récentes de l'intégrisme et de l'intolérance catholiques

Morelli, A. (2005). Manifestations récentes de l'intégrisme et de l'intolérance catholiques. In F. Nahavandy (Ed.), Intégrismes et laïcité: Actes du XVIIe colloque de la laïcité (pp. 29-39) CEDIL.  


Mis à jour le 26 juillet 2023